SCROLL BELOW TO BOOK- Mentorship OR Help Me Start It/Finish it, to get started!
Looking for a MENTOR, or someone to help you get started and finish that THING you keep dabbling with? Scroll down and choose your fit and...Let's Go!!
If you need help with general life guidance or if your path includes entrepreneurship, writing a book, producing or composing music, or if you seek aligned relationships, physical fitness and a financially healthier you? Contact Dorian Marie for Mentorship.
There is a session just for you ranging from simple goal setting and follow ups to guidance in specific action steps along with resources and networking access.
See what each session block has to offer below.
Look forward to working with you!
iamdorian is a brand that seeks to incite others into wholesome action through creative avenues, with no ulterior motives.
I do not guarantee or warrant results.