Choose any color, your college colors, favorite team
or school colors etc.
This Model is wearing a custom RED w/ Old Gold.
Or you can go basic.
🌟 🚨 Get ready for my Brand New Online Courses:
Manifest & Create w/ DorianMarie in ANY AREA
✔️Money, Money, Money 💰
✔️Overcoming Fears to manifest 💪🏽
✔️Healing the pain to manifest 💔
✔️Limiting Core Beliefs
✔️Navigating break ups to manifest and more…
*1 Hour Zoom call One on One w/DorianMarie
*1 Hour Group Class Time, Q & A, Networking
*4 Modules of content and hands on assignments
*Exclusive Teaching Videos
*Finish It Mug & Journal
*First and exclusive access to my new book even
pages uploaded to this course!
*Access to the private Facebook Group What I Had in Mind- Free exclusive content, videos and discounts to events and
on merchandise at the bottom of
MY NEW PODCAST: Special Guest Rickey Getwood Jr.
You ever wished you had followed your heart, spirit, first thought? Me too! I have learned and continue to learn how to live intuitively. After living much of my life based on other's beliefs and interpretations, which often led me to be unaligned with my true path. I hope to incite you to live intuitively through my new platforms!
I will be posting EXCLUSIVELY on my new Instagram and YouTube page ULivingIntuitively
You can expect lighthearted clips, inspiring original writings from my upcoming book as well as probing thoughts to incite you to live intuitively!
Hope you join me on this journey and follow the platforms. These uploads will not be featured on my current pages in the upcoming days. So get the word out, share and thank you!
4 Reasons Why
They Do Not Get A Pass
My Video Response to Comment
Becoming Dorian Marie
Check out this great video